Thursday, December 29, 2011

Antique Mall

She did great for a long time. We left very soon after this was taken.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Christmas Card

This is our photoshoot for our Christmas card!   

George's Birthday Party

George had his Birthday Party at Incredible Pizza.  It is like Chuck E. Cheese's on steroids, for those of you who are not familiar.  George has a blast.  You won't see any pictures of him because I was hanging with Louise while George was off with his friends riding the indoor bumper cars and go carts.  They were able to play some games and win tickets.  It was a six year old's dream come true!

St. George's Thanksgiving Feast

The Thanksgiving Feast is a Kindergarten tradition at St. George's.  It was so fun to watch all of the little ones  enjoy the food with their friends.  George made his tunic out of a pillowcase.  That is his friend Alexander next to him.  They have been together since they were babies at Emmanuel.

George's 6th Birthday

George's birthday fell on the day before the LSU v. Ole Miss game.  That was actually the day he was born!!!!  It was also PJ day at his school.  He had a great day opening gifts in front of a crowd.  That night his friend, Reece, came to the party to play with him.  It was a great day.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

All's Well That Ends Well

I don't have any pictures to document my day and I know that I don't have many people that read this, but I am writing this down for my own reasons.  Yesterday was just one of those days.  Friday night George had a cough and his chest was crackly.  He was running fever and I knew that I was going to probably going to have to take him to the doctor on a Saturday. 

When George woke on on Saturday he was still running a fever.  He didn't feel good and didn't even ask for breakfast.  That is not like him at all.  He usually wants to eat as soon as he gets up.  I had to wait until 9 to call the doctor's office, so we snuggled on the couch and watched TV.  It was a nice time for me.  I always love getting to hold George and love on him

Weezie woke up at about 8:30.  As soon as I opened her door I knew I was in for a bad sight when I turned on the lights.  Weezie has had a cough for a few weeks and I think that the cough cause her to throw up in her bed.  So, I have sick George and sick Louise.  Louise has thrown all of her blankets out of her bed (I didn't blame her for that at all), and she has throw up in her hair.  I told her she had to go straight to the bathtub for a bath to get cleaned up.  She kept saying she had, "throw ups" in her hair. 

By now I need to call the doctor to make sure I get George in and maybe Weezie.  They only wanted to see George.  They thought Weezie was just sick from her cough.  The nurse asked me to come right in.  I told her I couldn't because I still had to get Weezie cleaned up and George was still in his jammies.  We did make it to see Dr. Catherine to find out that George has bronchitis.  It is only the second time in almost six years that he has had to take an antibiotic!  Not too bad! 

It was just one of those two hour periods of momhood when you look back and think did that all really happen in that short of a time?

Ok, I don't feel like proofreading, and I don't have to!  Ha!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Headband

It is cuter in person!  Her ponytail with the navy bow really made the outfit.  I'll try to get a better picture next time!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Weezie This Week

Just some pictures of Louise this week.  When you wake her up she loves to get under the covers and say, "Where's Weezie?"  At school they are talking about Teddy Bears, so in the second pictures she is wearing her bear ears.  In the last picture, she is just finishing up her taco dinner.  Weezie is crazy about guacamole and cheese dip.  She asks for, "more dips" several times during dinner.  Don't ignore her or she will start screaming.  She  doesn't like to be ignored.  I can't imagine where she gets that from...hum...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Soccer Game

Thanks Bob Bayne for all of the great pictures from the game!  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Game Day!

Urgh!  I hate putting picutres of myself on my blog!  It just reminds me of how much work needs to be done.  I did get out and walk on this glorious morning!  Weezie loved it!  Anyway!  It was gameday on Saturday and our house was so excited.  Each child chose a side, and as I said on facebook...George had to tuck himself in on Saturday night!!!  Weezie got an extra story and some special kisses.  Hahaha!  Just kidding.  Anyway, Tennessee and LSU walked away winners, and that meant we were all happy!  Oh, and I taught Louise to tell people that we were having "Duck for Dinner."  We did have Jambalaya made by mom and me and it was very good!

Monday, August 29, 2011

First Days of School

I say the "first days" of school because these pictures were not taken on the same day.  George's first day was a couple of weeks ago and Weezie's first day was today.  They both love school and don't seem to have any hesitation about going.  Can you believe there is another Weezie in Weezie's class?  I thought the teacher was joking!!!!  The other little girl's name is Lily.  I always thought she would never have to be called by her last name!  George is happy every day after school.  He has started soccer and can't wait for his first game.  I'll try to be better about updating! Our AC was out for a week, so I am behind on Back to School stuff!  Love to all!!!